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2024 Committees

The Coastal Association of REALTORS® exists to provide advocacy and services that enhance the professionalism and the success of its REALTOR® and Affiliate members.

Core Service Areas


REALTOR® & Consumer Advocacy


Education & Professionalism


Industry Connections & Networking

REALTOR® and Consumer Advocacy


Government Affairs & RPAC Committees

Government Affairs Chairwoman: Cameron Drew

Board Liaison: Tim Arnett

RPAC Chair: Tim Arnett

Board Liaison: Austin Whitehead

Staff: Bernie Flax 

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Monthly, on the Second Tuesday, 3-4:30 PM

Encourages agents to participate in local and state government. Recruits volunteers from the membership to be active in local political issues, participate in government, and support candidates.

Stresses the positive impact of RPAC and increases participation. Educates members on RPAC and coordinates fundraisers to ensure annual goals are met.


Rentals Task Force

Chair: Chris Mitchell

Board Liaison: Austin Whitehead

Staff: Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Quarterly

Meet to discuss legislation and policies that impact the local rental industry. Consists of member REALTORS® and nonmember property managers. The aim is to keep an open line of communication between CAR and the rental industry


Education Committee

Chair: Veronica Bishop

Board Liaison: Frances Sterling

Staff: Kim Blair

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Monthly, on the third Wednesday, 9:30-10:30 AM

Assists staff in planning ongoing continuing education classes for members and the public. Develops and promotes seminars and training classes designed to address the needs of all licensees. Promotes the advantages of designations and develops pertinent education programs to address specific areas of expertise and interest. Endorses value of membership.


Membership, Networking, and Events

REALTOR® Fair Co-Chairs:  Kim Damadio and Jocelyn Succarotte

Board Liaison: Mia McCarthy

Staff: Tiffany Taylor


Foundation Fundraising Event Chair: Mac McGraw

Board Liaison: Kate Deckenback

Staff: Tiffany Taylor


Networking and Events Co-Chair: Pam Rocco and Pilar Burton

Board Liaison: Suzanah Cain

Staff: Kim Blair


Meetings: 3 Sub-Committees meet as needed based on the activity

The purpose of this committee is to engage Affiliates and REALTORS® in networking opportunities. Sub-Committees/Task Forces fall under this committee:

  1. Realtor® Fair – November-April – plans the April Realtor® Fair event, the annual expo for agents and exhibitors
  2. Foundation Fundraising Event– Year-round – plans for a major fundraising event for the CAR Foundation
  3. Networking and Events – year-round, as needed – plans Business Card Exchanges and the Holiday Party



CAR Foundation Committee

Chair: Grace Masten

Board Liaison: Steve Parsons

Staff: Kim Blair & Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Year-round, three times a year during application cycles

This Committee reviews grant applications for fund disbursement from the Foundation, a Donor Advised Fund held at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. This committee also works with staff to make changes as necessary to the process and participates in public relations efforts.


Awards Committee

Chair: Austin Whitehead

Staff: Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: June-September, 2-3 meetings

Past award winners are eligible to serve. Develops recognition program for members who achieve success with Association involvement, NAR designations, education, community service, and business.


Nominating Committee

Chair: Austin Whitehead

Staff: Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: June-September, 2-3 meetings

Former Board Officers or Directors are eligible to serve. This committee interviews Board candidates and nominates a slate of officers.


Finance and Budget Committee

Co-Chairs: Steve Parsons, Treasurer and Veronica Bishop, Secretary/Treasurer Elect

Board Liaison: Terrence McGowan

Staff: Tiffany Taylor & Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Quarterly

Recommends annual budget in conjunction with AE based on the strategic plan. Reviews budget requests, financial statements, and makes recommendations for budget revisions as needed. Assists the Board of Directors with financial advice and recommendations concerning current and future Board operations and planning.


Past Presidents Committee/Task Force

Chair: Grace Masten

Board Liaison: Austin Whitehead

Staff: Bernie Flax

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: Year-round, three times a year for review as directed by the BOD for Financials, Bylaws and Strat Plan.


Grievance Committee

Staff: Now Managed By Maryland Association of REALTORS®

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: On an as-needed basis

Receives ethics complaints and arbitration requests and is responsible for the preliminary review and screening process. Must be a full-time REALTOR® member with a minimum of three (3) years of experience. Members must attend the Professional Standards Training Seminar.


Professional Standards Committee

Staff:  Now Managed By Maryland Association of REALTORS®

Time Commitment: Year-long

Meetings: On an as-needed basis

Enforces the Code of Ethics by following established hearing process. Members serve on panels as required, hearing matters of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics or arbitration disputes. Must be a full-time REALTOR® member with a minimum of three (3) years of experience. Members must attend the Professional Standards Training Seminar.

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