Member Benefits
General Benefits
✓ FOREWARN included in membership dues, $300.00 value benefit
✓ Bright MLS (member rate)
✓ Opportunity to apply for funding up to 1,000 for charity of member’s choice from the Coastal REALTORS® Foundation
✓ CAR Weekly E-Newsletter
✓ SentriLock Services (member rate)
✓ Exclusive Print and Digital Advertising member discount for ads in Wicomico Real Estate Now & OC Today Real Estate insert
✓ Sharable Social Media content
✓ ZipForms®/LoneWolf in 50% partnership with Maryland REALTORS®
✓ New CAR Member Orientation and updates
✓ Local Resource Flipping books
Advocacy Benefits
✓ Local Government Affairs Director to research and assist with issues important to members
✓ Representative at local government meetings
✓ RPAC dollars used for local candidates who support real estate industry
Education Benefits & Opportunities
✓ FREE 15 Hours Maryland CE
✓ REALTOR® Designation/Certification courses hosted by CAR with special member pricing
✓ Coastal Area Local Specialist Certification Program
✓ Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore Partnership
✓ Monthly discounts offered for online CE through CAR partnership with The CE Shop (20%-40%)
✓ Scholarships for MR and NAR Conventions
Networking Benefits
✓ Events held throughout the year – discounted or free entry for members
Business Card Exchanges, REALTOR® Tent at Tawe’s, Golf Tournament, REALTOR® Fair, Installation and Awards, Holiday Party, and more
✓ Opportunity to network via Committee and Task Force involvement
CAR Office Benefits
✓ FREE Notary Service Available with appointment
✓ FREE Wi-Fi & Charging Station for your laptop, tablet, or phone
✓ FREE Conference Room to meet with your clients when you are not near your office (upon availability)
✓ FREE M&M Stations
✓ SUPERB Customer Service
These are the different Member Types Available
Primary REALTOR® Application WITH Sentrilock Services
This application is for new agents to Coastal that do not hold a REALTOR® membership with another association. You will be billed your National, State, and Local dues by Coastal. This application indicates that Sentrilock services are being requested.
Primary REALTOR® Application WITHOUT Sentrilock Services
This application is for new agents to Coastal that do not hold a REALTOR® membership with another association. You will be billed your National, State, and Local dues by Coastal. This application indicates that Sentrilock services are not included.
Secondary REALTOR® Application WITH Sentrilock Services
This application is for Secondary REALTOR® membership to Coastal and does include Sentrilock services. You must pay National dues to another association. You must submit a Letter of Good Standing from your primary association.
Secondary REALTOR® Application WITHOUT Sentrilock Services
This application is for Secondary REALTOR® membership to Coastal and does not include Sentrilock services. You must pay National dues to another association. You must submit a Letter of Good Standing from your primary association.
Affiliate Application
This application is for someone who does not have a real estate license, but works in a field of business that is familiar with the industry. There is a Primary Affiliate member and each person under the Primary Affiliate member is an Affiliate Associate.
Sentrilock Only Membership
This application is for REALTOR® members to obtain paid SentriLock services while also a member of another association. This does not include membership to the Coastal association. You must submit a Letter of Good Standing from your primary association.
Emeritus Membership Application
Brokerage Office Staff Membership
This application is for Non-licensed administrative staff.
Dues & Fees
Dues are affiliated with your National, State and Coastal memberships. Fees are affiliated with your Sentrilock services. When joining the association, some dues and fees may be pro-rated, please contact us at 410-641-4409 or for more information on pricing.